
You can get a nail fungus from fake nails?

Yes, you can get nail fungus have fake nails. The fungus that causes this condition is common, so all that can act as a trap, such as a false nail, or irritants, such as adhesive nail, can be a problem.


The gap between fake nails and nails can trap water, dirt and anything else. If fungus grows in a gap like that, will have no place to go, but in your nail.


Symptoms of nail fungus can include yellow nails, thick, rough or dilapidated that are painful and smelly.

Prevention / Solution 

The best prevention is to not use fake nails. If you choose to get fake nails, there are steps you can take to try to prevent this condition.
Have your nails done by a nail technician specializing; are more likely to avoid gaps between the false nail and the nail. Keep your hands clean.


Nail fungus under the fake nails is difficult to cure. The fungus has become and is protected from the nail. Because the nails grow slowly, any infected area tends to infect and reinfect the areas around it.
You may find topical treatments at the pharmacy, but according to the Mayo Clinic, do not work very well. The only proven treatment is to take a long course of oral antifungal.


Oral antifungal medication can be hard on your liver. If you have impaired liver function, for any reason, your doctor will prescribe the drug for you.


Prevention of nail fungus on my hands and feet

To prevent toenail fungus:
  • Keep your feet clean. Dry them completely after washing;
  • Wet your hands and wear rubber gloves when cleaning or wet cleaning;
  • Nails should be short and clean. Time to trim their;
  • Not zadirajte or cutting of the skin near the nails;
  • Try not to damage the nails;
  • Avoid shoes that are too narrow;
  • Wear cotton socks. Replace them, if they become wet;
  • Try not to walk barefoot around swimming pools, in the locker room, and other public places;
  • Avoid artificial nails. They can retain moisture;
  • If you have diabetes, consult your doctor for advice about, What are the steps to be taken to control sugar levels in the blood.


Natural ways to get rid of nail fungus

Nail fungus is difficult to treat, not because it is particularly resistant, but because it has found an ideal environment for growth. These microscopic organisms are highly protected by the two main methods of medical treatment, namely, creams and ointments. It is difficult to reach the area underneath the nail, making treatment more difficult. There are some natural alternative treatments you can try to alleviate the problem and prevent future occurrence.


Before starting any natural treatment plan to deal with nail fungus persists, consult your doctor; you can take the conventional treatment. If the nail fungus infection is in its early stages, however, you can try different natural options.
Lavender essential oil contains anti-fungal properties, making it an ideal solution for nail fungus. Rub lavender essential oil on the nail hit overnight.Apply immediately after bathing; the skin and nails is softer, allowing a more complete penetration of the oil. Michael Traub, ND, a naturopathic physician, in the book "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies," indicates that nail fungus can take months to heal and the repeated application of lavender essential oil is needed to address the problem.
Together with lavender, tea tree oil is another popular anti-fungal remedy commonly used to treat several types of skin diseases, according to Michael Traub, ND Apply 1-2 drops of oil once or twice a day much in the same way which would apply the essential oil of lavender. Repeat until you see an improvement.
"The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies" also suggests the use of garlic supplements to treat nail fungus. Garlic has powerful anti-fungal contained in its active component, allicin. The amount of allicin in garlic supplements varies widely, so make sure you have the equivalent of 7,500 micrograms of allicin in three divided daily doses. Read the label on garlic supplement carefully. Garlic is safe to take indefinitely.
Other options to relieve gamma nail fungus by applying a massage mentholated to apply apple cider vinegar. According to the website www.earthclinic.com, these remedies are promising to eliminate nail fungus.The Mayo Clinic indicates that the data collected shows that mentholated rub applied to nail fungus can alleviate the problem, even though there is no scientific evidence.
As always, if you continue to be bothered with problematic symptoms of nail fungus, see your doctor.



Natural Treatments Remove nail fungus without side effects

To prevent nail fungus and reduce recurrent infections, practice good hand hygiene and toes. You can follow the steps below. Hold short, clean, dry nails. Cut nails straight and present the thicker parts. The hands and feet are dry between the toes, after bathing. Use antifungal spray or power on your feet and shoes inside.
Wear appropriate socks. Synthetic socks that wick away moisture may keep your feet dryer than do cotton or wool socks. Change frequently, especially if your feet sweat a lot. Take your shoes from time to time during the day and after exercise. Alternate closed shoes with open shoes. Use rubber gloves. This protects your hands from overexposure to water. Between uses, turn the rubber gloves inside out to dry.
Do not cut or remove the skin around the nail, as it can provide access to the seeds of the skin and nails. Give up nail polish and artificial nails. Although you can hide fungal infections of the nails in a layer of enamel beautiful rose, this can trap unwanted moisture and worsen the infection. Wash your hands after touching an infected nail fungus can spread from nail to nail nail.
Because current treatments can take a long time to work and are not always effective, people are turning to home remedies. Two remedies are intended to help nail fungus are vinegar and Vicks VapoRub. Nail fungus is difficult to treat, and repeated infections are common. Over-the-counter antifungal nail creams and ointments are available, but are not very effective. If you have foot and nail fungus athlete, you need to treat athlete's foot with topical medications.
To treat nail fungus, your doctor may prescribe an oral antifungal medication. Studies have shown that the most effective treatments to be terbinafine and itraconazole. Your doctor may recommend oral medications if: you are experiencing pain or discomfort from your nail infection; have diabetes or other risk factors for cellulite; or have a history of cellulite.
These medications help a new nail grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected part of your nail. These drugs are usually taken for six to twelve weeks, but did not see the end result of treatment until the nail grows back completely. In general, it may take four months or more to eliminate the infection.
Six possible nail fungus infections recurring, especially if you continue to expose your nails to warm, humid conditions. The anti-fungal medications can cause side effects ranging from skin rashes to liver damage. The doctors can not be recommended for people with liver disease or congestive heart failure or those taking certain medications.
If you have a mild infection of the nail fungus to moderate, your doctor may prescribe an antifungal nail polish called ciclopirox. Pinta in infected nails and surrounding skin once a day. After seven days, the layers cleaned with cleaning alcohol and begin new questions. Daily use of Penlac for about a year has been shown to help clarify some fungal nail infections.
Your doctor may also choose other topical antifungal medicines. You may be advised to use these creams with a lotion containing urea counter to accelerate absorption. Topical medications typically do not provide a cure, but can be used in combination with oral medications. The doctor may deposit on the surface of the nail to reduce the amount of infected nail to be treated.
If the infection of the nail is severe or extremely painful, your doctor may suggest removal of the nail. A new nail usually grows in its place, although it is slow and may take a year to grow back completely. Sometimes surgery is used in combination with ciclopirox to cure the nail bed. However, the painful and expensive surgery can leave a permanent scar.
Natural treatments to remove your nail fungus permanently, without side effects, without scars. They are proven safe and effective methods that you can use in the privacy of your own home. No need to take time off from work to attend their medical appointments expensive. Once and for all get rid of nail fungus unpleasant and not have to worry about your return.
You may have spent countless dollars in free products for sale only to find it did not work. In fact, thousands of people go through the expensive and painful visits to your doctor, undergo through the recovery period, which can sometimes take weeks or months to get your nail fungus grow back. Natural remedies fungal nails are a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against nail fungus.



Establish a treatment for toe nail fungus

Determine what works for you takes a little effort on your part, but it will definitely be worth it to help get rid of nail fungus toe. You may have fought or are still struggling with this fungus right now and find a cure has not been a success, as it is still trying to find a cure that works. As for the other methods that some other people on the Internet have been used to treating nail fungus can be surprising. Trying to figure out how to treat nail fungus toe of information found online seems absolutely impossible. His frustration is probably due to the different types of ideas that are online and do not know what really works and what does not. Onychomycosis, which is the term used by doctors for toe nail fungus. Doctors say that it is a condition that is very difficult to cure, but left some people say, it is difficult to cure at all. All you have to do is look a little "of this or that bit 'and recover. 
Do not believe the hype. It's not a nail fungus that is why it is so difficult to treat? Yes, read on. The reason it is so hard to get rid of is that the problem is caused by spores. These small particles occupy substance feet, socks, shoes and any wet, waiting for a chance to infect your toe nail. And 'possible that some of the techniques for fungus treatment toe nail might work, but you need to take precautions to prevent the nail from being infected again. Some good precautions you can take against re-infection are: Wipe your shoes before reuse. Wear open shoes pointy so air can reach your feet Change your shoes at least once a day. Use templates and traded regularly smells Wear sandals in public showers or locker roomsYou can not know where you really took the fungus, why take the risk . Another thing is to take your shoes off during the day, whenever you can so that your feet can get some air. When dealing with the different options or methods of treatment of the fungus toe nail, it is vital that you are very careful and limit the possibility that you come into contact with him even more and the risk of re-infection. Home remedies to cure toe nail fungus might work, but if the order to check again the fungus. 
A method of treatment of nail fungus is the use of vinegar. It can be used to treat nail fungus. A lot of people have used vinegar to treat toenail fungus. Soak nails for 30-60 minutes a day or drinking 1-1.5 ounces daily.Who has the time to sit for hours soaking their feet? There are other solutions for curing nail fungus.Some natural treatment for toenail fungus has the advantages of vinegar, which do not require to have to sit for hours per day. Whatever remedy you choose as a treatment for toe nail fungus, remember that reinfection may occur. Protect yourself by finding ways to prevent the nails from exposure to the tip of the nail fungus.


Prevent nail fungus

Prevent nail fungus

To help prevent nail fungus as well as increase the effects of nail fungus treatment and reduce recurrent infections, the hand of good practice and foot hygiene by following these steps:
  • Keep nails short, dry and clean. Cut nails straight and file down thickened areas. Thoroughly dry your hands and feet, including between the toes, after bathing.
  • Wear appropriate socks. Synthetic socks that wick away moisture may keep your feet dryer than do cotton or wool socks (you can also wear synthetic socks underneath other socks). Change them often, especially if your feet sweat excessively. Take your shoes from time to time during the day and after exercise. Alternate closed shoes with open-toed shoes.
  • Using a spray or antifungal powder. Spray or sprinkle your feet and the inside of your shoes.
  • Wear rubber gloves. This protects your hands from overexposure to water. Between uses, turn the rubber gloves inside out to dry.
  • Do not cut or pick at the skin around the nails. This may give germs access to your skin and nails.
  • Do not go barefoot in public places. Wear shoes around public pools, showers and locker rooms.
  • Choose a good reputation and a salon manicure pedicure. Make sure the salon sterilizes its instruments. Better yet, bring your own.
  • Give up nail polish and artificial. Although it may be tempting to hide fungal nail infections with a coat of pink enamel enough, this can trap unwanted moisture and worsen the infection.
  • Wash your hands after touching an infected nail. Nail fungus can spread from nail to nail.


Natural Nail Fungus Treatment

Nail fungus treatment is long term. Awareness in prevention can reduce its risk to preserve your healthy nails. It takes almost three months to do. In three months, while your nails grow, the nail fungus treatment applied prevents the fungi to grow, bringing back the healthy nail. Nail fungus treatment has its success rate at 60-80 percent and it is not assured that will not be repeated. It has a 15 percent chance of recurrence. Nail fungus is a kind of long-term infection. This is why after nail fungus treatment the doctors still recommend their patients to continue the use of creams fungus nail care. This is to prevent an accumulation of fungal infection. The best way to maintain a healthy nail is to keep your hygiene always. To prevent infection of nail fungus we must follow some certain methods. The first is, wear open shoes as much as possible. Secondly, the change socks immediately if it becomes damp or wearing absorbent socks is preferable. Third, do not wear high boots, if not necessary. Fourth, start the nail fungus treatment as soon as possible to stop its spread. 

Natural Nail Fungus Treatment

The best option is to choose the natural nail fungus treatment to support and maintain your nails. Hands and feet can be beautiful, reflecting your radiant good health. Persistent care with natural nail fungus treatment and time will help promote healthy nails are clear. We suggest you choose the natural nail fungus treatment that contain both topical products and oral. In this case, the topical treatment natural nail fungus will work under the surface to promote healthy nails while oral natural nail fungus treatment will deliver the ingredients for the treatment of nail fungus directly into the blood for a fast, effective and the most important - natural nail fungus treatment without side effects. You can choose one of these options for natural treatment of nail fungus:

ZetaClear, 95 out of 100 possible points. ZetaClear is a two-step natural nail fungus treatment solution that combines a topical solution with a powerful homeopathic spray to help clear nail fungus fast.Homeopathic doctors have been using the ingredients in ZetaClear natural products for nail fungus treatment separately to treat individual symptoms of nail fungus for decades. ZetaClear topical natural nail fungus treatment contains: Curdum Antimonium, Arsenicum Album, Mancinella, Nitricum Acidum, Sulphur , Thuja occidentalis, purified water. ZetaClear oral natural nail fungus treatment contains: Tea Tree Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E oil, citronella oil, acid and oil Undecylenic Cloves. Money Back Guarantee: you can return items purchased unused and unopened for any reason, within ninety (90) days from the date of purchase for a refund of the purchase price. Zetaclear natural nail fungus treatment are both topical and oral homeopathic products that can help to recall the beautiful hands and feet. Best of all, you can start to see a noticeable difference in a few weeks! 


Nail Fungus Risks

Nail fungus is more common among older adults for several reasons, including the blood circulation decreases, more years of exposure to fungi and because nails may grow more slowly and thicken with aging, which makes them more susceptible to infection . Nail fungus also tends to affect men more than women and those with a family history of this infection. The resistance to fungal infections probably has a genetic component. These factors can also increase the risk of developing nail fungus:

  • Sweating profusely
  • Working in a damp or wet
  • Wear socks and shoes that hinder ventilation and do not absorb perspiration
  • Walking barefoot in damp public places, such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms
  • A minor skin or nail injury, a damaged nail or another infection
  • Diabetes , circulatory problems or a weakened immune system

Nail Fungus Treatment

There are mild and aggressive types of drugs cure nail fungus. It can be treated in a traditional way, self treated, or it can be prescribed by your doctor. Most likely it is far preferable by doctors to ensure the effectiveness and safety of treating nail fungus. Some drugs fungus nail treatment can cause side effects, especially on those who are suffering from diseases of the liver and can also cause allergies because of its high toxicity.


Nail Fungus Treatment

Nail Fungus

An infection of nail fungus occurs when fungi infect one or more of your nails. Nail fungus infection may begin as a white or yellow spot with the tip of the fingernails or toenails. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges - an unsightly and potentially painful problem. These infections usually develop on nails continually exposed to warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or shower floors. Nail fungus is not the same as athlete's foot, which primarily affects the skin of the feet, but sometimes the two can coexist and can be caused by the same type of fungus. fungus nail care can be difficult, and infections may recur.

Nail Fungus Causes

Nail infections fungus are usually caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of fungi called dermatophytes. But yeasts and molds may also be responsible for fungal nail infections. All of these microscopic organisms live in warm, moist environments, including swimming pools and showers. They can invade your skin with tiny invisible cuts or through a small separation between the nail and nail bed. They cause problems only if your nails are continually exposed to heat and humidity - ideal conditions for the growth and spread of fungi. Infection with nail fungus occurs more in toenails than fingernails. Another reason may be the diminished blood circulation to the toes than with your fingers, making it more difficult for the body's immune system to detect and eliminate the infection.


Zeta Clear Nail Treatment

Zeta Clear Nail Treatment is an easy to use, all in a single treatment system. It is 100% natural product. The main active ingredient is carvacrol. Carvacrol is an ingredient found in maximum oil content of oregano and it is natural. Carvacrol (oregano petrochemical is GRAS by the FDA, EU) has strong antifungal properties and can kill the fungus at a rate of 100%, and in a short time. Used since ancient times and there are many scientific medical studies published on the properties and effectiveness of carvacrol - oregano oil. Carvacrol (oregano petrochemical is GRAS by the FDA, EU) has strong antifungal properties and can kill the fungus at a rate of 100%, and in a short time. Used since ancient times and there are many scientific medical studies published on the properties and effectiveness of carvacrol - oregano oil. Stop mushroom also contains vitamin E and vitamin C to nourish the skin and nails. Rapid results in appearance and color of the nails. Treatment in only 4 weeks. Highly effective - Maximum force. Clinically proven. Therapeutic grade. Kills 99.9% of nail fungus. 100% natural ingredients of herbs. Storage Information: Does not require refrigeration. Keep it in a closed cabinet, dry room temperature.Close cap. External use only. Use it wisely. Do not use if you are breast-feeding pregnant or if you are allergic to thyme, mint, basil, sage. Avoid contact with eyes and genitals. Keep out of the reach of children. Wash hands with water. Discontinue use if irritation occurs or there is no improvement within 4 weeks. Do not use on broken skin or other conditions of the foot. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.


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The nails are strong yet delicate. Vulnerable to abuse, susceptible to mistreatment, strong detergents, germs, bacteria and fungus. Nails are also a window to our soul, reflecting our physiological and psychological state, by their very own appearance and condition ! The nails, as is the hair, is made ​​from keratin containing the residues of the protein. Both are structurally there to protect! Nails allow the most working points of our bodies extremities, toes and fingers, handle and grab, hit and lift, select, pull and more.

Fingernails and toenails are vulnerable to damage from one form or another! - examples;

Physical    Imposing excessive load or force to the nails, including the solicitation of nail beds due to excessive forces of leverage imposed by long nails, particularly false nails , nail biting, tight fitting shoes.
Chemical    Stickers false nail, nail polish, solvents or paint stripper mail, harsh detergents, household products, chemicals workplace, deposits of nicotine, etc.
Physiological    The poor are, attack fungal, viral and microbial the nail area, substance abuse, drugs, alcohol abuse, illness, aging genetic, mental stress, etc.